Major List Update, New Statues Incoming
Just in time for the 1 year Anniversary of the Moon Knight Show I have added over 88 new comics to the CHECKLISTS, bringing it up to date with all the most recent releases. I want to thank everyone who kept me updated on the latest appearances. Ever since the Disney+ Show premiere a year ago, Moon Knight has been getting the royal treatment. Not only did we have two simultaneous Moon Knight series on shelves (Black White and Blood), but we also had an annual, team up books, and a plethora of guest appearances. Outside of the comics realm we have also had a bunch of new merchandise. I will hopefully cover most of it at a later date, but today I want to bring your attention to three new statues that have been solicited.
The first is the Diamond Select PVC Statue modeled after the Disney+ Look. It is supposed to drop any time this month and retail for $59.99.
The second is the Diamond Select half-scale Bust. Limited to only 1000 pieces, this gigantic Bust retails for a whopping $250! It is reminiscent of the Finch-era costume. It is expected to be released on June 28.
And Finally we have the Skottie Young mini statue from Gentle Giant LTD. It may only be 3 inches tall, but it perfectly captures the style and charm of Young’s variant covers in physical form. It is expected to hit stores at the end of June for $59.99.
Site Update Log
One Week Till The Disney + Premiere
Ever since the first trailer dropped in January, the Marvel Promotional Machine has been in full swing. New information, promotional Images, and clips are dropping almost daily. The March 30th debut seems so close, yet impossibly far away! Early screenings of the first few episodes have been met with positive critical responses, some even claiming it’s the best of the Disney + shows so far. If you are looking for information on the show, Check Out My Coverage Here.

Variant Overload: A list of the 2021 #1 Variants
Updated 3-22-2022 (original 6-29-2021)
As of March 2022, there have been 49 Released variant covers for Moon Knights 2021 first issue. This makes it the largest number of variants for a single issue of Moon Knight ever, and one of the larger variant releases for Marvel in general. This is undoubtedly due to the attention being brought to the character thanks to the upcoming Disney+ Show. There are 10 Standard covers that will receive equal distribution. This includes a 2nd and 3rd printing. There are 5 incentive covers with limited distribution, including a 2nd printing incentive variant. There are 34 covers offered exclusively through specific retailers or events. Most of these variants are supplied as regular covers (Trade Dress) or as Virgin editions (No logos or writing). At this moment, it does not appear that any more will be released. However, there are numerous variants for subsequent issues.
View The List with Images Here
New Moon Knight Miniature Announced for Crisis Protocol.
On June 16th, Atomic Mass Games announced that they are producing a Moon Knight miniature for their Marvel Crisis Protocol miniature game. They posted an image of the miniature on their twitter feed. Details were scarce, but it appears this will debut later in the year. The miniatures come in 2 packs. Speculation suggests Moon Knight may be packed in with Blade. More details as they become available.
Read the full story on
Confirmed: New Moon Knight Series to Launch 7/21!
Update: Despite several high profile sites stating Moon Knight would Launch on July 7th, It appears that the official release date is actualy July 21st.
On April 7th, Marvel officially confirmed that a New Moon Knight
series would launch on July 21st of 2021 ahead of the upcoming Disney+ Show. It will launch with a new #1 and feature the creative team of Jed MacKay and Alessandro
Cappucio. It is intended to lead directly off his appearance in the Age of Khonshu event from the Avengers. The current Preview Art shows an all-white Moon Knight
costume drawn by Steve McNiven as well as a return of the Vengeance of the Moon Knight Logo. Although it hasn’t been confirmed that this logo will be the final
choice for the series. According to the Marvel article: “Apostate priest of the moon god, the mysterious Mr. Knight has opened the doors of his Midnight Mission,
where those in fear of the weird and strange may petition for the aid of the Moon Knight! But this doesn't sit well with everyone, and hidden threats circle Marc's
new start from the shadows..."

Rumor: New Moon Knight Series to Launch Summer of 2021
According to a report on Bleeding Cool, a New Moon Knight series is slated to launch in July. As of now, this is strictly a rumor. No official announcements have been made by Marvel. The Rumor states that Black Cat and Taskmaster writer Jed MacKay will pen the series. The art is rumored to be done by Alessandro Cappuccio, who has recently done work on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I will post more info as it becomes available.

Moon Knight Omnibus Released!
Available as of 1-6-2021
Back in July of 2020, Marvel solicited the first Moon Knight Omnibus. The Marvel Omnibus line is a fan favorite that collects incredibly large sections of a
characters publishing history, often containing over 40 issues in a single, hardbound volume. This is quite a moment for both fans, and Moon Knight as a character.
This Omnibus contains the vast majority of Moon Knights first appearances in comics, as well as a hefty chunk of his first volume. For people who don’t collect
single issues, this is the best way to read the first Moon Knight stories. This volume is noticeably heavy and printed on high quality material. It comes shrink
wrapped, and retails for an MSRP of $125.00. There are two covers available, as is the standard for the Marvel Omnibus line. The main cover features new original
art by David Finch, and the alternate cover features the Cover art from the original Moon Knight #1 released back in 1980.
This is a great time to support your Local Comic Shop by ordering a copy through them before they sell out! Previews Code: JUL200677
WEREWOLF BY NIGHT (1972) #32-33
MARVEL SPOTLIGHT (1971) #28-29
DEFENDERS (1972) #47-50
MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE (1974) #52
MOON KNIGHT (1980) #1-20
HULK MAGAZINE #11-15, #17-18, #20
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The New Site Is Now Live! Happy Halloween!
After many delays, the revamped Moon Knight Fan site is finally Live!
Welcome to the online Moon Knight Museum: A virtual catalogue of my current Moon Knight Collection.
After almost 2 decades of free hosting, "Moon Knight Fan" is finally an honest website. It not only has a real domain name now, but it is also officially Pop-Up/Ad free! I cannot describe how good that feels. Running this site has always been fueled by my passion for collecting Moon Knight. Over the years, “real life” has gotten in the way more often than it should have. Thankfully, with all the time free time allotted to me thanks to quarantine, I have been able to finalize the redesign and publish the new version of the site. It couldn’t have come at a better time either, as being a Moon Knight fan is more exciting than ever! The biggest news is, of course, the upcoming Disney+ TV Show. But in the land of comics he has also been making waves, appearing in multiple books such as Avengers and Contagion. Even in the realm of toys Moon Knight has been making a splash with 4 different figures in the last year!Those of you who have visited this site before may notice how different the new version is. Over the last few years, I have been slowly working on a major overhaul. Not just visually, but conceptually as well. I felt like the site had lost its focus over the years. My first order of business was to make the site more organized, easier to read, and more useful to other fans. The largest shift, however, was to alter the very concept behind the site. Back in the early 2000’s, Moon Knight information was really hard to come by. I was focused on collecting all things Moon Knight, but I didn’t know where to start. There were no comprehensive lists of his appearances or documentation of the licensed merchandise. All I had was google, eBay, and patience. I decided to create a site that documented my findings to help the few other Moon Knight fans that might be out there. Over the years, I attempted to host fan art, custom figures, fan editorials, and even attempted to cover news stories. It got messy, and overcomplicated.
I decided to take the focus of the site back to my original goal: to collect all things Moon Knight. I don’t know if I will ever own all things Moon Knight, but I’m going to try. Currently, my collection is one of the largest on the planet. It sounds cocky, but its true. So, everything listed on this site is part of my collection. What this means is that items I do not own will not be listed on this site. This doesn’t mean I am not aware of items that are not listed, it just means I haven’t acquired them yet. As my collection grows, I will add the new items.
The most important part of the site, and my collection, is the comic list. The entire reason I started this site was to create a listing of every Moon Knight comic appearance. The rest just developed naturally out of that. Over time, as the list grew, it became more of a hassle to navigate. It was organized like a comic shop organizes series, not how people organize their collections. This made it less useful to new fans. I have fixed this issue. I now have separated lists depending on various factors depending on what the collector is interested in. I am providing all my lists in a universal spreadsheet format, and they are all now chronologically listed.
Many of these changes came at the request of various Moon Knight Fans who emailed me with their suggestions and complaints. I apologize to anyone who emailed me over the last few years and didn't get a reply. I try to reply to everyone, but sometimes I get bogged down with stuff. I have been getting through the appearances that you guys have informed me of as quickly as I can. I just added over 100 new additions to the comics list, many of which were from emails dating back almost 2 years!
One of the most often suggested features from fans is information regarding Video game appearances, as well as more video content. I also received plenty of reasonable complaints about the mobile problems of the previous site. I too had these gripes, and believe me, most of them were due to the free hosting the site was on, and not on my site coding. This new site is going to be more mobile device friendly. I try to test the site on Chrome and Firefox browsers, as well as on iOS and Android devices. If you notice any problems, let me know, and be sure to include what device and browser you are using, so I can attempt to fix it.
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Into the Moon Knight Podcast
New Episodes every week!
I wanted to give a shoutout to all the folks over at the Into the Knight Podcast. For several years, Into the Knight has brought us Moon Knight news, discussions, and dramatized comic readthroughs. The production values are fantastic, and it is apparent the hosts are not only Passionate about Moon Knight, but they are very knowledgeable about the character's history. At the time of this posting, they have produced 171 Episodes, with new ones being posted each week. I highly recommend this podcast to both new and seasoned fans.

Moon Knight Disney+ Casting Announcements!
Disney + Live action show is in the works!
Updated 1-30-2021:
During the D23 Summit held during the summer of 2019, Marvel announced that Moon Knight was being developed as a live action TV show for the Disney+ Streaming service. The show would be canon with the established MCU, and relate to the other properties being developed such as Loki, Wandavision, Falcon and the Winter Solider, She Hulk, Blade, and many others. In December of 2020, it was announced that Moon Knight would be an action adventure story similar to Indiana Jones, and that Egyptian Iconography would be prevalent in the show. It has been rumored that Marvel is in talks with Oscar Issac to star as Marc Spector in the series. This has not been confirmed by Marvel. Two official casting announcements were made in January 2021, however. Ethan Hawke had signed on to play a villain in the series, and May Calamawy has signed on for an unannounced role. Directors Mohamed Diab, Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead have all been officially attached to the project. The series is currently being written by Jeremy Slater and Beau DeMayo.
Read The Original Story Below:
No casting announcements have been officially made, but it has been made public that Marvel is in talks with Oscar Issac to star as Marc Spector in the series. There are open casting calls for 4 other characters, the only common feature being that they are looking for people of Egyptian descent. Director Mohamed Diab has also been officially attached to the project. The series is currently being written by Jeremy Slater and Beau DeMayo. As of October 2020, little information about the shows content has been made available and is mostly in the form of rumors. The most credible being that the show will feature other Marvel characters such as Werewolf by Night and Dracula. Either way, the internet has become full of fans creating their own fancasts and debating what direction the story should take. I will add updates as soon as any official announcements are made.

The Age of Khonshu concludes!
The Moon Knight vs The Avengers epic ends with Issue 37!
2019 was a good year for Moon Knight fans. Although a solo series is still nowhere to be seen, Moon Knight made more than a few significant appearances throughout. Early 2019 saw him teaming up with Conan in the Serpent War mini-series. Not long after, in late 2019, Moon Knight showed up for a pivotal roll in the Contagion mini-series. 2020 continued this trend with a major appearance in the Avengers title with the "Age of Khonshu." Spanning issues 33-37, it saw a monumental shift in the presence of Moon Knight in the Marvel Universe. Don't worry, I won't give any spoilers. According to the subreddit, opinions are varied on the success of this storyline. Either way, With any luck, Moon Knight will have a new solo series coming soon. At the very least, it would be a good idea with a new show on the horizon. Update 1-30-2021: This storyline is now available collected as a TPB. Be sure to check it out.